08 /* Gemini the Deer

I will be continuing our story from here this is

the last page written so far I have all the other

signs to write about as we travel


together getting to know each other intimately.

Namaste Gray’Owl

The Deer, Gemini.

Of the Butterfly clan, Totem of the Eagle.

Influencing earth, the Flowering time, growth and the blossoming.

Here lies the subconscious desire of the Mastery of Mind

Karma, the flowing essences of life in full balance, the reflection of self in the mirror of life, turned around to take a strong look at ones own short comings, and the mastery of them. Here my friend, and I shall show you the way to balance all things. Together we are one and the same so very different yet are our finer qualities. Our practiced wisdoms will come together blend and flow. Total equality of all things combined in perfect balance. Soul, Body, Mind, Spirituality all as one. Equal in our sight.

Listen, shhhhhh….. pay very, very close attention!

Hello! Hello, hello, old friend, it has been a long long time. How have you been?

Do not be afraid these are my friends, they are here to learn and teach, the wisdoms we all speak. Do not run away come out lets play, this is certainly a very great day, indeed as great as it may ever get. Seldom is this ever found. The beauty of opposite insights and both are right. Hmmmmm. Interesting, yes so very interesting such a rare chance for you all to see! The cosmic power of creation the ultimate balancing act of self, in the solidifying and grounding the spirituality fully in reality, while setting completely free our reality into the etherealness of the our spirituality.

We are about to learn the tiny infinite fine tunings of a life, “your” life.

Spirit. Self. Soul.


and the same, through my eyes, I now let you see… take a close look.

Never before have I placed the Deer, my friend into my sights. I almost fear, that I have to, tonight. Do not tremble do not shake, it is the wisdom that we wake.

Even if you run, my love, my arrow will get it done.

We “Must” tell everyone.

Together as one we shall expose these mighty wisdoms like unto the Sun!

For them to shine for all to see, for all to be one, this is what “we” must get done.

It will not be easy love, to expose naked to the world, for all to see, our hearts as one.


in Reality?

Only once in the span of man, has perfection walked this earth. Jesus. Hallelujah.

Other than this fact? That you Are missing one.

A fact that people seem to forget about so completely. So easily.

And yet there it is every day, right in front of your eyes. Everything!

As grounded as it can get.

Do you really want to now? What i/we are up to?

The beauty of the dance, the sight of it.

The songs, that get sung.

We, as One


Hallelujah, Amen!

We as one.

Isn’t it about time?

No! it has nothing to do with time.

The intellect of this friendly, witty, love of mine. The Deer, Gemini. And me Sagg.

One of the things we love about life.

We would think first… life.

We are happy to be alive!

We rejoice in it!

In great, great, Great! Abundance! do we give every ounce of our gratitude.

for our lives.

Are worthless! If! Not for the grace of God.

His love, we give to you all, everyone present here and now., this includes you.(yeah you) freely, it is yours, do with it as you please, make sure it doesn’t make you bleed.

Remember my Love always comes back to me.

Oh, that reminds me.

I must take aim.

At, my heart

I love

my love set me free!

Make me bleed.

My own love back to me! I deserve it. I deserve to be loved, even if only I love myself.

This {is} the root of Love. From where it grows, I told you. The truth is near.

How may you love anyone? How may anyone love you?

If you do not first love yourself.

This is about to get really heavy. I am about to break the chains of my loves heart.


I am going to set myself free, right here in front of you.

Right now, I am so free! I can say anything.

Don’t you see how easy that was?

All you have to do is?

Know how to “ read “ the signs! Signs everywhere theres signs, blocken up my vision, breakin up my mind. Signs, signs everywhere theres signs. Weren’t you paying attention?

Our focused attention here is to let everyone get to know each other, to come to love each other. The way I love you, so says the lord and God! My Great Grand Father.

He poured this love out am me. What else was I supposed to do with it?

So here I am giving it to you. What will you do? With it.

It doesn’t get any truer than this brother, you either love… or you don’t.

Positive. Key? Negative.


Is the outer Key! Balance is not an easy thing to do. It takes time to Master it.

This is the Mastery, I spoke of earlier.


The inner Key!

To self.

I am being led to lay down a page out of the book of Life.

Let, me see, which one?

Is this what you want me to say, that I understand. I do! I get it!

Do? you?

Get this…

I am reading the signs here. OK! This one.

This is the one

a Page from the book of Life, thats my other book.

You’ll get there.

I know you will, I am here taking notes, I have you in my sights.

You can’t get away.

You are mine now!

A page.

The word it contains. Listen, closely. Please. Thank You.

I didn’t mean to be rude.

But! I had to get your attention!

Really think about it for a moment, it takes a LOT of focus to do this!

The very letter of every thought I must touch with my fingertips, for you to see!

My thoughts.

Don’t you see?

Literally written upon your heart with my fingers! Wow!

Just like God did to me!

My father. Wrote the word of truth on my heart at the moment of my conception.

With his finger. He wrote upon the stone tablet of my heart, his truth. Gods truth.

Who am I to disagree with that?

Its what he said look it up in the scrolls. If you want to “get” to the truth of this matter.

Take a look for yourself, you can read can’t you?

Make up your own minds.

You see I figured it all, well most of it, maybe! Something!

What? Was I saying?

Isn’t it the way it goes?

Happens to me all the time.

Like the star light tonight. It took a billion years for me to get here tonight…

as fast as I could go!


so here I am.

Who are you?

What? You don’t think that I don’t know who you are?

Here you are!

Right here.



Who are? You?

Do you see? Have you started to think about it?


Seems perfectly clear to me.


the page.

I should read with my fingers what I made notes of years ago?

This is what they want to hear?

Those words?

Hmmm… truth has a way about itself.

The angels are singing again, in my head are their words!

Their horns, blowing away the blues, who can say?

Who can say, when your love flies! only time.

Knows the story.

Where the road leads.

Who can say to me? what their day may be, if they are lost in the dark?

How can you see the light of day if you are lost in the darkness of life?

I could write a billion words to change the world, but I would make the same mistakes again, would it ever be the same when I call out your name, what if you need?

What if you need my name?

Would it ever be the same if someone calls out your name?

Will it ever be the same when someone calls out My name.

What will you do?

Am I the only one?

Am I so all alone?

Just me.

Who do you think I am, who do you think Id be without you?

Would I be?

With-out you?

What was that equation?

I = U .

simplicity. Itself!


notes(of thoughts)

the Page from the Book of Life.

Here it is.

In his words…

this is the Root. Of the problem.

What grows your every problem. What do you mean? What grows? What?

Pretty incredible. Isn’t it? Yes. It is. That I know what I know, about, what I am talking about. To you. What do you mean? You don’t see? What? The root.

Where it grows, from where it draws it power? These, these… feelers spreading out…

into the night seeking my love? Seeking them! Wow! Thats really cool.

My love reaching out to you… who would have ever imagined it would be me?

Reaching out to… You?

Here is my hand.

Take it.


Is in your own hands, what will you do?

With it?

Should we see? Take a closer look?

At me?

What do you want to see?

Who am I? I know that I can make your heart cry.

If I so please.

Say. What?




who are you?

Say what? Say what? To do what? I don’t think so. I will do… the doing here.

You might want to pay attention right about now! I’m in charge.

Whether you are alone or in outer space, really doesn’t matter to me. Ha ha ha ha…

My eyes of truth are always, watching you.

I am taking notes.

Along the way.

You will be,” are “, in my sights, you cannot get away from me, from, my love,

my arrow… or me!

You cannot get away. From it. The truth. Unless you lie. What does that gain?



Don’t you know?

By now?

What?what?what?did I mean? Don’t you know?

By now?

What you meant?

When you said these words to me.

My love. Will make you. Bleed.?!

You cannot see… you are blinded by the brilliant light of it all. Wow!

My love will make you . Bleed. My love for me.

See I told you. All you have o do is believe. The rest is up to Me.


What more can I say?

I love you. Don’t you see?

This is me being you.

This is you being me.

What do we see?

Me or you?

Or is it us. This sign, for all time that everything is possible. Anything…

is possible. Your dream can be lived. Alive. Yes in young reality.

Don’t you remember?

What I said?

What was that anyways?

Are you sure you want to know?

The compassions of my love?

Are you. Don’t you see?

Our most childest and long felt desires, coming to fruition.

The object of my desire, loves me.

And the angels sang…

hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Amen.

They blew their horns! For me. And sang! I saw the light. I became the light. Of destiny!

Doe’s it all rest on my shoulders?


Of course, you accepted the assignment, didn’t you?

You said you would pay the price.

This is the price. Your… life. Are you willing to give it?

My life?

Am I willing?

Will I?

Yes! I will!

Do what?

What is it your going to do?

Go to bed. Yes. Sleep. I need some sleep. Good night, My love.

Good night.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ,……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

hmm. Huh? What? I’m sleeping here. What? Open my eyes?

What for? I’m sleeping here in the dark.

Open my eyes? No I like it here.

Its soooo… DARK.

Just let me sleep. No one to bother me. Here in the dark.

What, no I don’t want my eyes opened.

I don’t want to see anything. Let me sleep.

Lost? I am not lost. I am sleeping hidden away here in this darkness, leave me alone. Let me sleep.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… huh?

what!? I told you I don’t want my eyes opened.

Go Away, leave me be. I like being lost. What! Did I just say?

Lost, am I lost? Hmmm… no just sleeping. lost… huh!


huh, what? Huh! What are you talking about? Me?

I don’t want to think, sleep, just let me slezzzzzzz……..

hmmmmm… what? No I don’t want to open my eyes.

What? What light? Leave me alone I don’t see any light.

Lost, what… lost and found? Huh? What? Did you say?

You found me? Here? In this total darkness, you found me?

Awaken! huh no, I just want to sleep. Leave me alone.

I’m not going anywhere, its to dark I cannot see a thing. I don’t care about anything else, leave me alone! let me………………………………… slezzzzzzzp……………………………………… Awake!


What the…? who is that? Who are you?

I am the LIGHT.

Awaken, I am opening your eyes.

You might want to take a peek.

Alright, alright, I’ll just take a quick look.

But I am not opening my eyes, just a crack.

What? What did you want me to see? Where?

Ahhh… thats just a star. What do you mean thats not a star.

I saw stars just before I feel asleep!

Wait a minute… wait a minute, stars don’t move.

What is that… light?

It is the light, is that what you said? The Light! That light.

Its certainly not a star, look its getting bigger and brighter.

Its moving kind of fast isn’t it? Maybe I should take a better look at this thing. OK! I’ll open my eyes, just a little.

Is that a comet? Man that things movin!

Its getting… brightness is kind of hurting my eyes.

Maybe I should open my eyes, @@ what the…? hey! Thats headed straight at me! Maybe I should get up. Getup? Get up from where ? I can’t see a thing, that light, I am blinded by it, I can’t see! Get up! Run. RUN… run where I can’t see only, this light it is so bright I can’t see! Run run RUN!

Where? Where am I going, I don’t know! just run, hide! here it comes, run…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

faster, run faster! Run like the wind. Run…………………………………………..

stumble step step jump run…………………………………………………………………………..

faster gotta go faster, RUN!……………………………………………………………………..

stumble, step step, stumble…………………..tumble, stumble, tumble…………

fall…. thumpidy, bumpidy, thumpidy, roll roll thump……………… bang!

Ouch oh right on my head. Wow are those stars?

Thats what I saw just before I fell… fell asleep. Did I fall asleep?

Was I asleep? I don’t remember. I can’t remember, who am I?

Where am I?

Whats that light? Damn that things moving fast!

Its heading straight at me!… run, RUN………………………………………………….


I better move, gotta get outta here quick run, RUN………………………

right!… turn right…….. Right! No!left, left. What the! which is which, I can’t see a thing, I am blind… that light. Is blinding me.

Run RUNNNN………………………………………………………………………………………………..

……………………………………………………………..stumble……………………………………………………………………………..stumble……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..faster………faster!……………………….jump!…………………..duck!…………………..swerve…………………….twist…turn………….run………..Run………………RUN like the wind, yes I remember…………… I can run like the…wind………………………………………………………………………………….

run………. run…………………RUN…………………………………….stumble………..step……..

step………………stumble.. step… trip… falling I am falling…………………………



Damn… I can’t see anything but that… that, light!

I can’t get away from it, why can’t I get away from it?


Nothing else to do but run, my heart is pounding… huff…

puff… come on legs run, run like the wind… RUN…………huff………………………puff…huff…………….run…run…….faster!…


Can’t get away! Its…its… gonna blast right into me!

RUN…to late… duck…………….whirl…twist…turn…spin…jump…


unnggghhhhh!!!!! ahh… right through the heart!

Man that should have really hurt, why didn’t that hurt? Wait.

  1. I.. can. See! I see the light! What? What is this warm feeling in my chest? What the! This… this.. this isn’t, blood! What is this? Whats happening to me?

What have you done to me?

What is this oozing out of my heart?

Love!? I don’t know love.

Your love?

That was your love that just struck me?

Why? Why me?


Was I lost?

It was so very, very dark, I didn’t know.

I could not see. Anything.

Now I am found!?

Well I am certainly in the light now just look around… at…

this desolate place! Where am I?

How did I get here?

I ran? Yes… I remember. I was running like the wind… and I fell…

I think I hit my head on something, I saw the stars and then everything went black. No! Blank.

I didn’t say or do anything really stupid did I?

I mean while I was out of my mind.

It was so cold, I think I was afraid, yes… I was afraid in the dark.

But now that you are here. This… this feeling!

So warm, comforting, I am no longer afraid.

Why? Because you love me? Why would you love me?

This love… this oozing out of me! This is not your love?

It is my love? What? I did this to me?

I broke my own heart open?

Why am I crying?

I think… I remember… my love. Yes it is my love It came back to me!

Wake up. Huh? Wake up! What? WAKE UP!!!

you were having a dream!

I was? Oh yeah I feel asleep, I was so tired. Ow my head hurts. Whats this all over my chest? I… remember… my dream, it was so real.

The way I feel! Wow man do I feel great! I am wide awake… I remember!

My love. Came back to me.

Where is my arrow?

Hmmm… here, right here buried deep into my heart!

Let me just slip it out.

My love… my love… is free!

Now! Now my heart truly bleeds. It bleeds your love into me!

I know what I must do… take aim. This must be perfection. Steady.

There you are my Deer, old friend, I have you in my sights.

Do not fear! It is my love taking flight.

We shall see straight to the heart of this matter.

We shall see our hearts tonight as one.

In the light of our love, brilliance! Pure Brilliance!

I can see, crystal clear. I can see the other side of eternity!

WOW! What a sight to see!

I have often wondered what that looked like! I had NO idea it was so exquisite.

The sounds of the Angels singing!!! their horns so alluring.

I feel like dancing and prancing around, jumping for JOY!!!

I am so Free!

Ha! ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ahhhhh…

the Glory of it all!

Father! My breath escapes me!

I have no words! There is nothing I can say that would even describe what I see!

Yes. They must experience it, for themselves… Patience.

Our love, will set them free.

The finest shot I ever made, slammed right into my own heart.

Now it is your turn dear old friend,lets let it all out.

We shall see with our insight outworldly together.

Here the other portal stands. Directly parallel to mine.

Did I forget to mention that?

Yes we shall see the cosmic creative brilliance of God.

The miraculous energies that burst into a new life.

By shear will. The power of thought. Manifest.

Exposed, in the light of Gods mind.

In his eyes, I see!

True reality



I am His reality.

He is alive in me!

This is what makes me live, the power of it, the beauty of it, don’t you see?

Him alive in you!

His reality




I = U .


Pure genius.

I am so happy. I am so, so… very happy.

You are here with me. Experiencing the beauty of all this. The simplicity.

of things, when you give yourselves over to the Master Artist, and allow him to create

your life for you. Putty in the hands of God. Mixed with a tear from his eye.

The pictures he paints, just look around you. They are, everywhere, everything. You see.

They are you. They are me.

Here together! Lets figure it out.

I will let my love fly now and the deer and I shall put our hearts together as one.

Right here, right now so everyone can see. The truth of balance and harmony.

The elegance in the dance of life.

Come join us.

Let us see where This! trail goes?

The adventure has begun in full swing.

Listen, the Angels, sing.

Glory to God, Almighty, Master of our demise into eternity.

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust,

this is what becomes of us.

But only in reality.



Any other questions?


I wonder.

I think we should all take a deep breath of life or two and let that sink in>->

( notes ) <-water mark <<<

Take a few minutes, then turn the page. I am bleeding for you.

I feel elevated, don’t you? Rather, Illuminated!

I am glowing! soft radiance yet so brilliant. Like if the Moon were to kiss the Sun.

I am so “in”>>–>lightened, that I simply, am the Light!

Look around, you’ll see me everywhere!

I am to be found nowhere, except in you.

In your eyes.

I see!


who, knows? why your heart cries, when you let your love flow.

Who knows? Only time.


I shall soon have “you” in my sights!

But first we must continue the journey, to the end of this trail.

Come lets see where our hearts are leading us tonight.

Visions dancing just ahead. I can’t wait to be heard whats said.

to be continued after I get all previous chapters completely edited and re~written in their entirety, I hope you have learned much to this point and have also enjoyed the read. Namaste Tony Gray’Owl

7 responses

  1. Eva

    This my spirit brother is Eva. I happened to be lead here although it’s been on my profile for a while now. I even asked what about Scorpio? Then I read you will get to all signs. What is so facinating is I can relate well to every sign as I studied this and even read for others at one time. Everything is just so right on the mark. The way your word the strengths and areas that you wish for others to be aware of is amazing. A solution is given to work on the traits that need working on. Above all as always your LOVE shines through and by reinforcing even in this context of a movie in mind, you always bring us all around to the amazing LOVE. Love is life. Can anyone doubt that you love them? I don’t think so. Can you just imagine how many don’t have anyone and they may be lead to your words and suddenly they may feel LOVE as LIFE for the 1st time ever. There are those that this does really apply to. I have such empathy for those that have never known LOVE, not just physical like in a relationship but LOVE, period. I then as I read this ended up pondering why do people kill? Why do they rape? Could it ever be because of lack of LOVE from the place your talking about? Yes a whole other subject I know. It’s just that when you feel this LOVE, the LOVE of Creator, the LOVE you share and remind us of, life would change everafter and is changing right now as things are shifting. I guess that is the point and the legacy you will leave for generations to come until we are all reunited in this LOVE living together on Mother Earth. How beautiful will that be? Amazing. I love you my brother and friend. Namaste

    August 8, 2014 at 10:58 AM

  2. Ann Edmunds-Reynolds

    Tony: I have thought about this today, all day long. Is that question I asked you about, revealed here? That is my one conclusion, i must have been drawn here. If i am wrong
    I will need to look future. Thanks

    February 12, 2011 at 3:56 PM

    • Tony Gray'Owl

      The answer ls within your heart Anne, here in my written words are symbols that touch and awaken the memory of them, raising them into your consciousness out of the darkness of your subconscious. Perhaps it is time for you to fully awaken, Keep seeking you shall find the answer within. Mitakuye oyasin, Tony

      February 12, 2011 at 8:44 PM

      • to cool i always wondered why i hated hunting deer or killing animals it is like killing me loved what i read have to file to re read txs ❤ 2 ❤

        March 25, 2014 at 12:41 PM

        • Glad you like it. I have much more to write in all the chapters. Namaste ❤ 2 ❤

          March 25, 2014 at 12:43 PM

  3. layla riverside

    hello my teacher , i am here i have started to read but boy is there a lot give me a few days and i will get back to you , much love, layla, oh do not e.mail i never check them , lol

    January 7, 2011 at 1:48 AM

    • Tony Gray'Owl

      Hello Layla my beautiful sister soul, I am so happy to see you here my heart sings now for you, please take your time and follow the links, to each chapter or page, all my love sis, your brother Tony

      January 17, 2011 at 11:20 PM

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